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Cancellation Policy

We understand that circumstances may change, and flexibility is important. If you need to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time through the following methods:
  1. Online Cancellation:
  • Log into your account on our website.
  • Navigate to the “Subscription” or “Account” tab (whichever is applicable).
  • Select the “Cancel” option.
  1. Phone Cancellation:
  • Call our customer support at 702-903-7017
  • If you reach our voicemail, please leave a detailed message requesting to cancel your account.
  • All cancellation requests, whether online or via phone, will be processed promptly.
  • In the case of phone cancellations, leaving a detailed voicemail expedites the process.
  • Any cancellation-related charges will be governed by the terms of your subscription agreement.
For further assistance or clarification, feel free to contact our customer support.